Who We Are

Respect is more than important; it is our mission statement.  

            There are so many paranormal groups out there fueled by ghost fever and the desire to catch on camera as great a piece of evidence as their favorite TV personality has presented. It doesn’t matter if you are a fan of TAPS or Ghost Adventures or Paranormal Cops, there are plenty more shows on the subject. Everyone wants to be a ghost hunter these days and we think that’s great news for the knowledge and truth of science.
            To learn there must be information, facts and proof on the subject matter. So grab your camera and digital recorder, but remember always to respect your surroundings.            

            Respect Your Surroundings

v     The property you are investigating belongs to someone; even state land, national parks, abandoned buildings all belong to an owner somewhere. Respect that property by contacting for permission before you investigate on private property.
v     Respect the dead; they were people once too.
v     Be careful what you ask for, you might get more than you bargained. There is a lot out there still unknown regarding the paranormal world. Without meaning to, or realizing you have—you can easily open a door to a world that should not be opened. There are different kinds of spirits (and we will talk about that subject later) and much to learn about their world. It is believed that evil can present itself as a child and you won’t know which you are dealing with until it is too late. So what can you do?
v                 Never use a Ouji board. Never.
v                 Learn all you can about your environment before exploring at night
v                 Learn all you can about spirits before you put yourself in harm’s way
v                 Don’t open yourself up during an investigation to spirit control
v                 It is best to perform a cleansing ritual so you don’t take home anything better left there.

            Bottom line is, if you want a good scare go to a haunted house attraction on Halloween or take a ride on your favorite roller-coaster, but if you are seeking knowledge about this uncharted world then approach it in a professional manner.

ghost written by D. Susan Rutz


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