Halloween is coming and the ghost hunts are increasing, not
only because of the holiday but because this time of the year is the best for
spirit activity. Have you ever heard that old saying, ‘there’s something in the
air’? Cooler weather experienced in autumn increases the electrostatic energy
in the air; the best time being October through February.
What is electrostatic energy? Well, you know what Static
Energy is, that’s when you hurry across a carpeted room in your socks to reach
a doorknob that is going to shock you with a bolt of electricity. The change in
climate between a hot, muggy summer to a cool, breezy autumn allows a lot of
static energy to build. Spirits are also thought to be energy and the
combination of those two forces is electrostatic energy or the possibility of
increased energy in static form. At any rate, whether I explained it well or
not, it’s a good time to ghost hunt.
The caution
that Cee’s Ghost Hunting and Paranormal wants to make is that Halloween can
also be a time of what we call, ghost torture.
Spirits are living people who have departed their physical
being for a energy being, they are not Halloween side shows, nor should they be
used as ‘let’s scare the new kid’ games. There are responsibilities to ghost
hunting and high on the list is RESPECT.
Respect for the spirits and for other ghost hunters who come
after you. In the last ten years of hunting, I’ve seen cemeteries go from
opened fields to boundaries, all the way to fencing and security guards. Your
actions can influence the next group of ghost hunters who are seeking
knowledge, not thrills.
If you are going out on a ghost hunt here are the RULES of RESPECT
that all professional groups follow.
were once living people treat them with respect when you ask questions.
Don’t antagonize or challenge them, is that how you want to be treated when you
are deceased?
property you are on belongs to someone who has to pay taxes…be respectful
and do no damage. That’s pretty simple there, behave yourself and act like a
yourself; let the spirits know who you are, why you are there and that they
are remembered.
together: never go off alone, you could fall in a well and Lassie has been
retired a long time who’s going save you?
your findings: The whole purpose of ghost hunting should be to gather
evidence. The more we find out the more we can understand about the after life
and how we can help those that are stuck for one reason or another.
Professional; or you have no business out there.
Cee’s has been very busy lately and we have much to show
you. Please keep checking back for updates and exciting photos of evidence.
Remember all you ghost hunters out there, respect property
and respect the dead, and always carry extra batteries! Be sure to check back
for more investigations by Cee’s Ghost Hunting and Paranormal. You can also
sign up for email notifications at the bottom of this blog. Be careful out there.
ghost-written by D. Susan Rutz
Rules of Respect for ghost hunters; don't be thrill seekers, be professional